
Aug 31, 2010

Contest Winner from News 9 OKC

News Channel 9's -  4:00 PM news broadcast in OKC hosted a contest and asked their viewers to send in their most awkward family photo.  The winner of the contest receives a sitting from... yours truly!

This photo below took the cake!  I cannot wait to photograph this family in the Fall!
I have no idea who took this picture... so sorry for no photo credit, but I did get mommy's permission.

Aug 30, 2010

In the green...

There are sooo many favorites from this session, and my apologies to the bride to be.. I am no where near finished editing!

These were the last shots we took and I adore them all!

Aug 29, 2010

My first time...

A little sneak peek for George and Ariel.  They are seriously a beautiful couple and so in love... made it the easiest shoot in 95 degree weather... ever! We shot their engagement pictures in the Paseo District... it wasn't until the shoot was over and I was almost home that I realized this was my first time to do an engagement session (I could be wrong my memory tends to fail me often).  So far, I am loving the way they turned out.

So now, I can officially Say...
Oklahoma City Engagement Photographer - The Photojunky!

Aug 24, 2010

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The Photojunky

I love each of these children more than words can explain.  This was such a last minute shot and there should actually be a few more grandchildren in this picture... but with school starting, this was the best we could do, before schedules got wildly out of control... hopefully this fall I can get all of them together.
Some of you close to me know my grandmother had a stroke several weeks ago.  Right now, she has a very bad infection, she was moved from her PT facility back to the hospital... and the great grandchildren are not aloud to see her... for who knows how long.  This has been life changing for all of us, its hard to even communicate the effect it has had on my sweet grandmother and our entire family.  Gramma hates more than anything not seeing these children, I hope and pray these images will bring her joy.

The time we have with our loved ones is so precious, don't ever take it for granted.

Aug 23, 2010

Oklahoma City Family Photographer The Photojunky

A few more of my favorites from the Rouse family session.

The sun was absolutely brutal this session.  We quickly gave up on outdoor shots, not having much shade and went inside, for some perfect light!

Dont forget, those of you wanting your Christmas Cards done by Kjane Designs, contact her now!  She has an early cut off date due to her new arrival in Oct!

Aug 22, 2010

Bloopers... Animated

If you ever wonder why this one has been referred to as the Drama Queen, see images below.
Trying to get this many kids in a shot, and looking at the very least....  normal, is no easy task.  I'm hoping that my SIL got better shots than I did this morning?!

Photojunky is officially taking the next couple weeks off from photo shoots and editing.  The blog posts will be minimal, but the tweeting will remain random and sporadic.  School started last week, with that comes our after school activities, along with a variety of parent/teacher/booster/meet this and that/first school dance events.  I am not pouting (yet), I am going to enjoy every scheduled filled minute of it, because I know one day, they will  be kicked out  move on and move out.

Regarding the Fall Schedule, I am taking 1 more appointment in October, but still have a few openings in September and November.
email me for more info

Aug 19, 2010


Kendra's family is without a doubt my most photographed clients (and favorites).  I love them to pieces.  Some photographers may disagree, but I love it when clients have very specific ideas.  Kendra, is almost ALWAYS very specific, well thought out, and prepared.  (she already has the dates and locations for our next 2 shoots scheduled - outfits bought).  For example, she wanted a field of wild flowers for her maternity session.  We had so many people looking, and I was jumping for joy when her hubby found one close to my house.  Little did any of us know we would be walking through grass/weeds 3 foot tall, scraping our legs & feet, carrying 2 chairs, Miss Priss, and camera bag (did I mention it was 103 degress outside).  Our legs and feet were bleeding, and we laughed at the lengths we will go to for that perfect shot.

It was sooo worth it!

Kendra is an amazing graphic designer, you must go check THIS BOOK she made with our photos.
They are having another girl!  I almost cried when I found out, I cannot wait to meet Miss Lucy!  You will be seeing plenty of her face over the next year for sure!

Oklahoma City Newborn Maternity photographer The Photojunky!

Aug 18, 2010

First Day of School! First Day of School!!

Can't you just hear little Nemo screaming it?!  That's kind of what it was like in the Photojunky home Tuesday morning.  Don't let my excitement fool you though.. I was so emotional Tuesday morning. My oldest started middle school for the first time.  She was excited to see all her friends again, but this is her "I don't really want to go to school and start home work again" face.

We are hopeful and prepared for a very exciting year.  This angel of mine tried out and made the competitive cheer squad for middle school and as of yesterday, she officially has her BACKHAND SPRING!  She had to have it to go to the national competition in Jan 2011, and Friday is the deadline. (last minute much dear?).  She is also taking tumbling and 3... yes 3! dance classes.  She is (yes I am biased) a beautiful dancer!  I could watch her dance for hours.

And cause for more anxiety and emotion, my little Diva started kindergarten!!!!!!!!!  WHO let this child grow up so fast??  She picked out everything from her head to her backpack, to those not-so-mommy approved shoes all on her own.

She did so good! I parked in the parking lot before school, and before I could grab the camera and get out she said "bye mom".  WAIT A MINUTE, Mommy is walking your sweet face in!!
I was on the edge of my seat driving to pick her up that afternoon.  I asked her how her day was and she was beaming.. I asked her about lunch and her words "I got to have CHOCOLATE MILK - WOOT WOOT"
love her.

I had to post the 2nd day of school outfit as well... ummm mainly because I like it soo much better!  Shirt and hair flowers are courtesy of Sister Chic!

Aug 17, 2010


After the conversation I had with this mama when the shoot was over, I almost cried when I saw this picture, because I know she is in total heaven with these 3 beautiful children.  All 3 are off to school this Fall and she is experiencing an empty home during the day.  I hope this brightens your day Jill, you have done a wonderful job on those 3!

Jill resized

Aug 15, 2010

The Middle Child...

Little Miss is too cute and too sweet for words, so I'll leave it that, and show her mama this little sneak peek!

Oklahoma City Children's photographer The Photojunky!

email for appointment info

Aug 12, 2010

Introducing the teachers of Studio J dance

I'm always excited and thrilled when someone ask me to take their portraits, more often than not, its family sessions.. so when something a little different comes along, like head shots for these amazingly beautiful and talented women, I am plum giddy!  Mere, I cannot thank you enough for using me for photos that will be displayed all year in your most awesome dance studio! 
This first super model has been our sitter all summer, aka the summer of Gaga.  My girls have a new appreciation for music, and all things Lady Gaga thanks to Miss A.  Monday is her last day with the girls, and it will be sad one, we've enjoyed the life she has brought to our home.  Love you Ariel!

I've had the pleasure of getting to know these two beautiful women above and below more over the last year.  The more I get to know them, and watch them work with all these children, the more I love and respect them.

The newest addition to the Studio J family below, I am excited to see what she brings to their team!  I love her brown eyes and silky skin!

I remember, watching this young lady above as a high school student sing in our church, she has grown into a shockingly gorgeous young women, who is, as I hear, taking her talent to the West Coast.  Best of luck to you beautiful.

And last, but closest to the Photojunky family, is our cousin Hilary.  This insanely beautiful woman has more passion for what she does than I ever could even imagine possible, its really something witness.  Her heart truly shows when she dances.
ummmm, yeah... so they are amazing, stunning ladies, who's dancing can often bring me to tears.
Thanks Studio J, I had a ball, and hope to shoot you all again in the near future.

Aug 11, 2010

It's time to book your fall session!

Its hard to believe that people are already in full swing of planning their Fall Family portrait sessions and Holiday cards. September, October, and yes even November dates are already booking!  My mind is screaming "do I need to start Christmas shopping"! and I calmingly tell myself  "no, just shine your favorite lens, and get busy shooting"!  So here's the deal friends, if you want Photojunky to take your family pictures this fall, I need you to book soon.  I am NOT booking December dates as of now, because its a very busy month personally and I only plan to take a few sessions after I get my Holiday family/social schedule worked out.  Email me for scheduling info!
I'm really excited about some fun stuff coming up this fall, I have some newborn sessions that have my head spinning, and leave me feeling oh so giddy!  I'm also working with News Channel 9 in OKC on a fun project they have coming up (more details soon).

Once again Photojunky is teaming with Kendra of KJane Designs on Holiday cards. Everyone of my clients that uses KJane Designs will receive 4 digital images for FREE! I absolutely love her work, and have used Kendra for the last 4 years on our Holiday and Birthday cards.
Below is my family's card from last year.

And one of my favorite cards EVER she did for our Diva!

Check her out for any of your stationary, or design needs!

Aug 9, 2010

Sneak Peek for Studio J

These woman are as talented as they are beautiful, they are the teachers at Studio J School of Dance in Edmond Oklahoma!  I am so proud to be a part of the dance family and I was so excited when they asked me to do their headshots!  Here is a tiny sneak peek!

I'm having a SALE on Boutique Children's clothes!

Do you have a little princess around the age of 3 to 5?  Those who know me, know I love to dress my girls up in Chatti Patti, Baby Lulu, and Greggy Girl... our closets are crowding over and I need to get this stuff out of my house!!
below are a couple of my favorites from the auctions I have listed on ebay, and this sweet child actually cried when she found out they were going away... they haven't fit her in MONTHS!

Ooh la la Couture size 5

Chatti Patti Size 5
If you are interested in checking out my auctions, email me