
Aug 18, 2010

First Day of School! First Day of School!!

Can't you just hear little Nemo screaming it?!  That's kind of what it was like in the Photojunky home Tuesday morning.  Don't let my excitement fool you though.. I was so emotional Tuesday morning. My oldest started middle school for the first time.  She was excited to see all her friends again, but this is her "I don't really want to go to school and start home work again" face.

We are hopeful and prepared for a very exciting year.  This angel of mine tried out and made the competitive cheer squad for middle school and as of yesterday, she officially has her BACKHAND SPRING!  She had to have it to go to the national competition in Jan 2011, and Friday is the deadline. (last minute much dear?).  She is also taking tumbling and 3... yes 3! dance classes.  She is (yes I am biased) a beautiful dancer!  I could watch her dance for hours.

And cause for more anxiety and emotion, my little Diva started kindergarten!!!!!!!!!  WHO let this child grow up so fast??  She picked out everything from her head to her backpack, to those not-so-mommy approved shoes all on her own.

She did so good! I parked in the parking lot before school, and before I could grab the camera and get out she said "bye mom".  WAIT A MINUTE, Mommy is walking your sweet face in!!
I was on the edge of my seat driving to pick her up that afternoon.  I asked her how her day was and she was beaming.. I asked her about lunch and her words "I got to have CHOCOLATE MILK - WOOT WOOT"
love her.

I had to post the 2nd day of school outfit as well... ummm mainly because I like it soo much better!  Shirt and hair flowers are courtesy of Sister Chic!


  1. Your daughters are just beautiful! Hope they have a wonderful school year :)

  2. so cute! your daughter will love middle school and the Diva looks very happy too!

  3. They are beyond adorable!

    I love their outfits, too--cute, cute, cute!

    I cannot imagine how anxious I will be on the first day once the girls start school!

  4. It was not good for me to read this tonight since tomorrow is our big day. Now I really am an emotional wreck! The girls look TOO big and grown up, but they look so stinkin cute! The Diva's outfit suits her personality well. She was beaming!

    WAY to go DQ on the backhandspring. I am SO SO proud of you!!!! I can't wait to see you cheer.

    I am going to have to show your brother the pic of DQ wearing Toms. We had a debate about it last weekend. :)

  5. oh Shan!!! i love love love the girls! way to go on the back hand spring! can't wait to see cheer photos and her in uniform!!! what a PROUD momma you will be! MAN i love their outfits...THIS is the reason i must have me a girl some day! OR i'll be stealing yours and your SIL and Kendras all the time to play dress up :)


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