
Aug 22, 2010

Bloopers... Animated

If you ever wonder why this one has been referred to as the Drama Queen, see images below.
Trying to get this many kids in a shot, and looking at the very least....  normal, is no easy task.  I'm hoping that my SIL got better shots than I did this morning?!

Photojunky is officially taking the next couple weeks off from photo shoots and editing.  The blog posts will be minimal, but the tweeting will remain random and sporadic.  School started last week, with that comes our after school activities, along with a variety of parent/teacher/booster/meet this and that/first school dance events.  I am not pouting (yet), I am going to enjoy every scheduled filled minute of it, because I know one day, they will  be kicked out  move on and move out.

Regarding the Fall Schedule, I am taking 1 more appointment in October, but still have a few openings in September and November.
email me for more info


Junky Remarks go here!