
Aug 12, 2010

Introducing the teachers of Studio J dance

I'm always excited and thrilled when someone ask me to take their portraits, more often than not, its family sessions.. so when something a little different comes along, like head shots for these amazingly beautiful and talented women, I am plum giddy!  Mere, I cannot thank you enough for using me for photos that will be displayed all year in your most awesome dance studio! 
This first super model has been our sitter all summer, aka the summer of Gaga.  My girls have a new appreciation for music, and all things Lady Gaga thanks to Miss A.  Monday is her last day with the girls, and it will be sad one, we've enjoyed the life she has brought to our home.  Love you Ariel!

I've had the pleasure of getting to know these two beautiful women above and below more over the last year.  The more I get to know them, and watch them work with all these children, the more I love and respect them.

The newest addition to the Studio J family below, I am excited to see what she brings to their team!  I love her brown eyes and silky skin!

I remember, watching this young lady above as a high school student sing in our church, she has grown into a shockingly gorgeous young women, who is, as I hear, taking her talent to the West Coast.  Best of luck to you beautiful.

And last, but closest to the Photojunky family, is our cousin Hilary.  This insanely beautiful woman has more passion for what she does than I ever could even imagine possible, its really something witness.  Her heart truly shows when she dances.
ummmm, yeah... so they are amazing, stunning ladies, who's dancing can often bring me to tears.
Thanks Studio J, I had a ball, and hope to shoot you all again in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these shots!!! wierd thing though..the newest teacher to the studio and i went to college together! she was a spirit and soul dancer with my girlfriends! how fun!


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