
Aug 19, 2010


Kendra's family is without a doubt my most photographed clients (and favorites).  I love them to pieces.  Some photographers may disagree, but I love it when clients have very specific ideas.  Kendra, is almost ALWAYS very specific, well thought out, and prepared.  (she already has the dates and locations for our next 2 shoots scheduled - outfits bought).  For example, she wanted a field of wild flowers for her maternity session.  We had so many people looking, and I was jumping for joy when her hubby found one close to my house.  Little did any of us know we would be walking through grass/weeds 3 foot tall, scraping our legs & feet, carrying 2 chairs, Miss Priss, and camera bag (did I mention it was 103 degress outside).  Our legs and feet were bleeding, and we laughed at the lengths we will go to for that perfect shot.

It was sooo worth it!

Kendra is an amazing graphic designer, you must go check THIS BOOK she made with our photos.
They are having another girl!  I almost cried when I found out, I cannot wait to meet Miss Lucy!  You will be seeing plenty of her face over the next year for sure!

Oklahoma City Newborn Maternity photographer The Photojunky!

1 comment:

  1. Lucy? Most precious name ever!!

    That first picture is just beautiful.


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