
Dec 31, 2010

Our Year in Photos!

When I say our, I mean you and I!  That's right, are you ready?

When I recently looked back at The Photojunky 2010, I was absolutely overwhelmed!  I had no clue it was so big, more than 75 Photo sessions! Well over 200 faces! And thousands and thousands of images!
 I remember sitting in my car on a Sunday evening, I had just finished my last session after a weekend FULL of sessions, I was trying to get organized before I went home, and I literally had cash and checks crammed everywhere in my hand bag, camera bag and pockets... I started crying, it was an odd moment for me.  Who would ever think I would get paid to do something I love so much.

I wanted to come up with a fun way to say thank you to my clients, so here goes!

The Best of The Photojunky 2010
You decide!!
Through statistics on my website and statistics on this blog, below I'm showing you the top 18 most viewed/downloaded photos from 2010!!  From those 18 photos, my readers will vote!

1st place - 1 Free photo session in 2011
2nd place - 1/2 price photo session in 2011
3rd place - $25 gift card to be used towards session fee or on in 2011

Let the voting begin!!!  All you have to do is leave a comment with the name of your favorite photo!
here they are... in no specific order! (I ask that you only vote 1 time)
Voting will end Thursday Jan 6 at 5 PM!

Wildcat Baseball

Boston Hollis

Quinn in Red

Oh Olivia!

Shoe Vice!

Gordon, party of 4!

I love Lucy!


Antler Pride!

Love in the Green!

Kenzie Lou Who!

Mommy & Miss Priss!

Walk this Way!

Mother with Child!

Maternity 184

The Boys in Blue!

Perfectly Poised!

All That Glitters!


Dec 29, 2010

My other brother...

The weekend before Christmas I was able to shoot my handsome younger brother and his beautiful family!  We also found out that same day, THEY ARE EXPECTING BABY #2!!!!

I am so excited for them and THRILLED to finally have another baby in the family!

Bethel Christmas 055

Bethel Christmas 036

Bethel Christmas 065

Bethel Christmas 075 

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky.

Dec 27, 2010

Keeping it in the Family!

I've been lucky enough in the last several months to be able to photograph all 3 of my brother's families. My MUCH Older Brother Douglas (snicker snicker) and his family live in Edmond and not too far from us.  His wife Becky, AKA Greygillfish Photography asked me to shoot their family pics this fall, I was thrilled and hesitant!  #1 Beautiful Becky hates to be photographed  - and I mean hates! and #2 we can be our worst critics when on the other side of the lens.  
I loved the way they turned out, and I love this family to pieces!

This first one is my Fav!
Opp 057

Opp 069

Opp 073

Opp 151

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

Dec 25, 2010

Happy Christmas via Social Media!

The Photojunky family wishes you and yours a very blessed Christmas.  
I am so blessed to be married this man, and be the mother of these 2 angles!  We were very spoiled this Christmas, thanks to Santa of course!


a big thanks to Emily Bailey for helping with the family photos and to KJane Designs for this amazing card design!

Dec 23, 2010

Say it isnt So!!

I've been shooting Miss Priss since she was a baby, my heart breaks every time I think of not getting to see these beautiful girls as often.  How very selfish of their parents to move away!  No really, I am happy for them, they've waiting for this for a while!
This was our last session this year with the Catron family. I am sure she will post her AMAZING Christmas card soon on her blog, so check in often at Miss Priss & Lil Sis!
Catron Nov 10 056

Catron Nov 10 024

Catron Nov 10 046

Catron Nov 10 061

Catron Nov 10 092

Catron Nov 10 104

Catron Nov 10 136

My Family, my Canon and I will miss you ALL!!!!!!

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

Dec 21, 2010

All Mine!

When I look back at 2010.. I honestly want to run in to 2011 and never look back.. this year has been hell.  I've shed more tears on my pillow this year than any other, so I'd like for 2010 to get the heck out of dodge.

But then... I look at these 2 faces. *sigh* despite the heart ache we faced and are facing as a family, these 2 girls had an OUTSTANDING 2010.

Studio J Christmas 2010 228

Ashton made a seamless transition from elementary school to middle school.  She advanced in dance class, made the middle school competitive cheer team, is now sporting a round off double back handspring, has all A's with 1 B in her advanced Math class, and probably has one of the biggest hearts in the World. I've watched her clean her great grandmother's feet lying in the hospital bed, trim her nails,  feed this woman that has fed her 100's of times as a baby, and she does it with love and grace.  AND, she's not even 12.  I am so proud to be her mother.

Studio J Christmas 2010 264

Our youngest, our strong independent fireball, started kindergarten and what I thought would be a very rough adventure, has truly been the time of her life.  She loves her teacher... its almost an obsession, adores her classmates, and has made a load of brand new friends. She started reading last year, and keeps progressing every day.  She's taking 2 dance classes this year, but my favorite, is watching the dances she choreographs her self.. My facebook friends have had the privilege to see this! She lost her bottom 2 front teeth just last week, and watching her excitement is 2nd to none.  She's the owner of the best hugs in the Midwest, and the child can make you feel like the Rock-star she gets so excited when we walk in the room. She makes me smile like no one else can.  And I am so proud to be her mother.

Here's to looking at the good 2010 had to offer!!!
I have been blessed.

Dec 19, 2010

Times like these...

It really is the most wonderful time of the year.  I love Christmas, I love my family, I love every minute of the hustle and bustle.
I had a special date night with my miniest one, we had dinner, Gigi's cupcakes, and some Holiday shopping!
It was so nice to sit across the table from just her.  We talked about everything from school, to grandpa, to Santa and his elves.  This girl loves Christmas
Dec 15 018

Dec 15 026

Bethel Christmas 008

Dec 15, 2010

From the Pink Planet....

I wanted to share more from this shoot in Tulsa, Oklahoma!  I love this family.  We met about 4-5 years ago at Church, and they up'd and moved out of town shortly after... some how.. oh wait, because of facebook and blogging, we kept in touch!  God Bless SOCIAL NETWORKING!!!!
without further ado.. the lovelies from the Planet Pink






Dec 12, 2010

I'm finished!!

I finished shooting for 2010!! (with the exception of a few family members - but that doesn't count!)
 So for the rest of the year, I am going to concentrate on these angels!
I'm excited to be lazy with them, snuggle on the couch watching our favorite Christmas movies, reading books, playing games... I'm giddy just typing about it!

We just had our annual Christmas dance recital with Studio J dance, and both girls danced beautifully!  We are so blessed to be a part of this group in Edmond!
I'll hopefully share more of these recent sessions I just fell in love with over the fall, but for now... The Photojunky is closed for 2010!  WOOO WHOOO!

Dec 8, 2010

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky

I thought this was a sweet image.. another peek into my mini sessions, they smoother than I imagined.