
Dec 21, 2010

All Mine!

When I look back at 2010.. I honestly want to run in to 2011 and never look back.. this year has been hell.  I've shed more tears on my pillow this year than any other, so I'd like for 2010 to get the heck out of dodge.

But then... I look at these 2 faces. *sigh* despite the heart ache we faced and are facing as a family, these 2 girls had an OUTSTANDING 2010.

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Ashton made a seamless transition from elementary school to middle school.  She advanced in dance class, made the middle school competitive cheer team, is now sporting a round off double back handspring, has all A's with 1 B in her advanced Math class, and probably has one of the biggest hearts in the World. I've watched her clean her great grandmother's feet lying in the hospital bed, trim her nails,  feed this woman that has fed her 100's of times as a baby, and she does it with love and grace.  AND, she's not even 12.  I am so proud to be her mother.

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Our youngest, our strong independent fireball, started kindergarten and what I thought would be a very rough adventure, has truly been the time of her life.  She loves her teacher... its almost an obsession, adores her classmates, and has made a load of brand new friends. She started reading last year, and keeps progressing every day.  She's taking 2 dance classes this year, but my favorite, is watching the dances she choreographs her self.. My facebook friends have had the privilege to see this! She lost her bottom 2 front teeth just last week, and watching her excitement is 2nd to none.  She's the owner of the best hugs in the Midwest, and the child can make you feel like the Rock-star she gets so excited when we walk in the room. She makes me smile like no one else can.  And I am so proud to be her mother.

Here's to looking at the good 2010 had to offer!!!
I have been blessed.

1 comment:

  1. well well well miss Shannon you have brought tears to my eyes yet again with your wonderful posts! and YES i agree wholeheartedly that 2012 can get the heack outa dodge!!! when i look back at your post and think "i should do a similar one" i know there is no way i can, i would be a bawl i'm sure you were writing about yoru babies! congrats on raising such a fabulous family! you are truely a mother to look up to!


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