
Dec 12, 2010

I'm finished!!

I finished shooting for 2010!! (with the exception of a few family members - but that doesn't count!)
 So for the rest of the year, I am going to concentrate on these angels!
I'm excited to be lazy with them, snuggle on the couch watching our favorite Christmas movies, reading books, playing games... I'm giddy just typing about it!

We just had our annual Christmas dance recital with Studio J dance, and both girls danced beautifully!  We are so blessed to be a part of this group in Edmond!
I'll hopefully share more of these recent sessions I just fell in love with over the fall, but for now... The Photojunky is closed for 2010!  WOOO WHOOO!


  1. Fantastic pictures! Your girls are just beautiful.

  2. I am so proud of you! You are such a fantastic photographer! I pray that your business will continue to grow so one day you can quit your day job. Of course my favorite photos are the ones you take of Ashton and Eva but of the top 18 photos...I vote for Boston Hollis.


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