
Jul 29, 2010

Plans Change - Oklahoma City Family Photographer The Photojunky

The last thing I want to do these days, is make concrete plans, inevitably, God has something different in mind.  Anyone who knows me well, know that I Shannon Foster, AM A PLANNER. I like plans, my world revolves around plans, calendars and schedules.   I am learning to change my ways... (AKA not totally melt when things don't go as planned - and I wonder where my girls get it?).
This session, the family had a completely different location in mind, due to downtown construction that none of us considered, it was not possible, thankfully I had shot down here enough that I knew the place we planned on parking, was actually a great location for the shots.  I cannot wait to dig in deeper... this is such a sweet and amazingly beautiful family!  You can see the love bouncing off those sweet kids in this shot!  And seriously moms shoes.... love!!!  Maybe I should start taking payment in shoes?  Size 6 please!

Jul 28, 2010

I'm a sucker for brown eyes!

Another Colorado baby!!  YUM!  I love brown eyes... LOVE THEM! And this little guy has the best!
As for my client sessions this week please be patient with me, it may be 7 days or so before you see your sessions online.  I'm spending what time I can with my sweet grandmother in a skilled nursing facility, which cuts way down on editing time...  But I have some ADORABLE stuff in the works!

Oklahoma City Baby Photographer The Photojunky!

Photo of the Day

Yes another beauty I got to shoot in Colorado... she is simply stunning~

Jul 27, 2010

Oh Olivia!

Love the name, love the sweet baby!

Oklahoma City Baby Photographer

Jul 26, 2010

Close up

Any guesses at what this sweet thing is laying in?
I'll show you more of this sweetness tomorrow.

Home from the Mountains!

We frolicked and lazed about in the mountains...
Photojunky family is home from beautiful Colorado!  It was the first time for us girls, so hubby was super excited to show us something new.  Below are some shots from Garden of the Gods in Co. Springs.

It's funny to me how I can be so relaxed and truly enjoy my family and friends leaving my troubles and stresses somewhat behind for a few days, and with in moments of walking in the door to our home, feel the stress of the coming week. Anxious as I type this to get off the computer, finish unpacking, laundry, pick up some client orders, follow up on a couple dozen emails, schedule new clients, edit 3 client sessions, and most importantly -  desperate to get to the hospital to spend time with grandmother who was the victim of a major stroke last week (prayers please)!

I cannot wait to show you some BEAUTIFUL shots I took of some new friends in Colorado. (more than likely it will be a couple days)

Jul 20, 2010

I can't even do it~

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

If the photographer cannot even pic a favorite picture, how on earth do you expect the family to?  This family is so beautiful, it was hard not to get a great shot!

We're out of town for the next several days, posting may be non-existent.
Have a great week friends!

Jul 18, 2010

Finally a Flower Girl!!

My little Eva Kathleen was so so excited to be a flower girl this weekend. We were thrilled when hubby's nephew and fiance asked her to be a part of their special day!   She has been drooling over the dress for 2 weeks and begging to wear it anywhere she went.

I was so proud, she did such a great job! She took her job very seriously.  Currently, petals are scattered all over our living room!

I was actually shocked when I saw this, she is always the one goofing off during prayer time! 

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 
We leave for Colorado in 2 days!

Jul 16, 2010

Why I love this end of the Camera

OK, so I know its late Friday night, and if I was cool, or 15 years younger, I would not have my head in photoshop. But I do, and I love it.  I am 1/2 through editing this session and I opened up this picture that seems so simple, but honestly takes my breath away.  I am sure the first thing you will notice are those striking blue eyes, then the precious bow, and angelic skin... but my favorite part of this picture are those hands.  I love how daddy is holding on to her, and she is doing the same.  These are the pictures I get lost in.

Happy Weekend friends!

Jul 15, 2010

Sneak Peek in the Green!

It seems like forever since I shot in the green, I felt this sweet thing needed something a little softer than my favorite urban settings.  They turned out beautiful.  Just wait until you see her beautiful eyes!!!

Jul 14, 2010

Sister Chic Photo Session!

Sister Chic has been working on some new adorable items!

as always beautiful hair flowers
Hair feathers and check out the necklace!

These new t's are the sweetest thing!

Jul 12, 2010

Hello Beautiful

I absolutely adore this young lady!  We had a fun day of shooting last weekend!  I cannot wait to get her in front of my lens again.

Jul 9, 2010

Jul 7, 2010


I love these 2 little angels, I love the friendship they are forming.  I have such fond memories growing up with my cousins.  Its so great to have this one living so close, and soon to be in the same elementary school

to see more of sister chic accessories, check them out on Facebook!

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The Photojunky!

Jul 6, 2010

Red, White, and Blue in Katy Texas

We spent the long Holiday weekend with my in laws in Katy, Texas.  I often refer to their house as "Camp Mina". My minis usually come home spoiled rotten and it takes a few days to adjust to not getting ice cream at all hours of the day, or spontaneous shopping trips for Barbie's and shoes, or the ever so popular mani and pedi.... but we wouldn't have it any other way.  Thanks Mina and Pops for the great weekend.
I couldn't resist a quick photoshoot at the Katy train station.

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!