
Jul 26, 2010

Home from the Mountains!

We frolicked and lazed about in the mountains...
Photojunky family is home from beautiful Colorado!  It was the first time for us girls, so hubby was super excited to show us something new.  Below are some shots from Garden of the Gods in Co. Springs.

It's funny to me how I can be so relaxed and truly enjoy my family and friends leaving my troubles and stresses somewhat behind for a few days, and with in moments of walking in the door to our home, feel the stress of the coming week. Anxious as I type this to get off the computer, finish unpacking, laundry, pick up some client orders, follow up on a couple dozen emails, schedule new clients, edit 3 client sessions, and most importantly -  desperate to get to the hospital to spend time with grandmother who was the victim of a major stroke last week (prayers please)!

I cannot wait to show you some BEAUTIFUL shots I took of some new friends in Colorado. (more than likely it will be a couple days)

1 comment:

  1. How gorgeous! I'm glad you guys had a nice vacation, I hope that your grandmother is okay. Strokes are such scary things.


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