
Jul 18, 2010

Finally a Flower Girl!!

My little Eva Kathleen was so so excited to be a flower girl this weekend. We were thrilled when hubby's nephew and fiance asked her to be a part of their special day!   She has been drooling over the dress for 2 weeks and begging to wear it anywhere she went.

I was so proud, she did such a great job! She took her job very seriously.  Currently, petals are scattered all over our living room!

I was actually shocked when I saw this, she is always the one goofing off during prayer time! 

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 
We leave for Colorado in 2 days!


  1. oh man she is so cute!!! i love the prayer picture! so cute!!

  2. LOVE HER in that beautiful dress! I miss my nieces! I feel like it has been forever since I have had a Diva hug, and I sure could you one.

  3. She looks beautiful! I have to admit I am so jealous. None of my girls have ever had the chance to be a flower girl *sniff*.


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