
May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day from The Photojunky!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend.  They never seem to last long enough.  Our weekend was filled with lots of family and lots of friends, and new memories that will last a life time.
Mr. Photojunky and I hosted our 3rd annual Crawfish Boil in our very own back yard.  We love hosting, we love being surrounded by friends and family.  I think the kids my have out numbered the adults this year... this year they took over, and we gladly let them drink too much soda, wipe Cheeto fingers on the cleaned glass and put on piggy back races in the front lawn.  The night ended (actually very early in the morning) with live music on the back lawn and some unexpected sleepovers... we love every unplanned and planned minute of it.

I have hundred of photos to edit from my last two session... hope to post some cuteness this week!!!

May 28, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer, The Photojunky

May 25, 2010

What's Your Angle?

Oklahoma City Sports Photographer, The Photojunky!
Let's play ball!

If you've seen many of my sessions or ever been photographed by me, you would know I like odd angles.  I despise taking shots straight on... (yet I still cover that).. you'll see me down on the floor (grass, dirt, concrete), climbing up as high I can (sometimes even on top off office buildings downtown), or shooting down a line.  I fell in love with this shot above. It may not be the best shot for the mamas (which, come on, that is who we are shooting for) because you cannot see every one's sweet face, but this is a great shot for the Photojunky!
I'm challenging the coach here!  SO coach, you have 13 players, if you can get 13 different people to comment on this blog post, I'll bring you a disc of 5 digital images of the team, for you to do with as you please!

May 19, 2010

~ Oklahoma CIty Child Photographer The PhotoJunky ~

This precious child pulls on my heart strings daily.  She is the reason I breathe, the reason I laugh, the reason I cry, the reason I smile so hard it hurts, the reason I drink, and the reason I started throwing adult tantrums. She brings me more joy than I deserve, and tries my patience more than any parent should have to be tested.
Every night after we pray, I tell her that I love her bigger than the sky, and she tells me "I love you bigger than the whole white world, and the whole white universe mommy."
and she is turning 5

May 17, 2010

Introducing... Harper Grace!

Welcome to our world sweet girl!  You are in very good hands!

Harper Grace - resized

Oklahoma City Baby Photographer, The Photojunky!

May 16, 2010

Birthday Cake - the 1st Bite!

This precious family invited me in to photograph their beautiful daughter's first birthday party!  It was full of awwww moments, and I was so excited to capture some!  Here's a cute cake shot!

Oklahoma City Baby Photographer, the Photojunky!

May 14, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The Photojunky!

May 11, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Baby Photographer The Photojunky ~

* Sneak Peek *
Meet Harper! (oh how I love that name)  Little Miss is 7 weeks old in this picture.  It was such a pleasure to finally meet her.  Things are about to get crazy busy up in here (wait, I thought I was busy?).  I've said yes to a couple big photog projects, and praying to God The Photojunky has not biten off more than she can chew!
Dear Harper's mommy... I promise to have the photos finished and uploaded to Wednesday night!

May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day from the PhotoJunky!

I cannot even tell you how blessed I am by being the mother of these 2 girls!  I've always always wanted a sister, but God and my parents had other plans.  I grew up with 3 brothers who I love and cherish, (and often times borrowed clothes from in HS), I've always surrounded myself with tons of girlfriends who I call sister, but God granted my wishful prayers when he gave me these 2!

Happy Mother's Day!

May 8, 2010

~ Pretty Mommy Post The PhotoJunky! ~

Happy Mother's Day Val!  Thanks for letting me capture your beautiful family!

white mommy resized

~ Mommy and Me Photo The Photojunky ~

Happy Mother's Day Erin!  Erin is more than a client, she is family!  Introducing my beautiful cousin and her stunning daughter... motherhood suits you well dear!
Higgins resized

May 7, 2010

~ The Photojunky, Oklahoma City Family Photographer ~

I do believe Oklahoma has the most beautiful mommies around!  A big shout out and congratulations to this gorgeous mommy who just found out she is pregnant with another GIRL!!!  What will Miss Priss do with a little sis?

catron mommmy resized

May 6, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Family Photographer The Photojunky ~

More mommy and me photos!  Another beautiful mommy and her gorgeous children!  Meet Melody!  I loved photographing this family, I instantly became best buds with Conner, he really hammed it up in front of the camera!  There really is something special about the relationship between a mother and her son, you can see theirs in the sweet kiss below. que the "awwwwww"

Vice mom resized

~ Oklahoma City Family Photographer The Photojunky! ~

In honor of Mother's day, I want to post some of the my favorite mother and child photos for the next few days!  I could not resist these beautiful girls!  I had so much fun on their photo shoot, it was impossible not to get great shots with cuteness like this! 
And what a beautiful mother they have, inside and out!
geary mom resized

May 2, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The Photojunky ~

Never underestimate the simple beauty of a photo shoot in your own back yard.
