
May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day from The Photojunky!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday weekend.  They never seem to last long enough.  Our weekend was filled with lots of family and lots of friends, and new memories that will last a life time.
Mr. Photojunky and I hosted our 3rd annual Crawfish Boil in our very own back yard.  We love hosting, we love being surrounded by friends and family.  I think the kids my have out numbered the adults this year... this year they took over, and we gladly let them drink too much soda, wipe Cheeto fingers on the cleaned glass and put on piggy back races in the front lawn.  The night ended (actually very early in the morning) with live music on the back lawn and some unexpected sleepovers... we love every unplanned and planned minute of it.

I have hundred of photos to edit from my last two session... hope to post some cuteness this week!!!

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