
May 19, 2010

~ Oklahoma CIty Child Photographer The PhotoJunky ~

This precious child pulls on my heart strings daily.  She is the reason I breathe, the reason I laugh, the reason I cry, the reason I smile so hard it hurts, the reason I drink, and the reason I started throwing adult tantrums. She brings me more joy than I deserve, and tries my patience more than any parent should have to be tested.
Every night after we pray, I tell her that I love her bigger than the sky, and she tells me "I love you bigger than the whole white world, and the whole white universe mommy."
and she is turning 5


  1. My favorite picture of her EVER! Love it...Absolutely gorgeous.

    GiGi has that dress too. We need to do pics of them together. It has been too long.

  2. Shannon this is precious! Your statement brought tears to my eyes! We are 'smitten'. I love, love mommyhood! Keep up the GREAT work!!


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