
Feb 11, 2012

She's 13.

Ashton Elizabeth v13.0
I've been trying hard not to think about 13.  I've been focusing on... her excitement.... to be a teenager.
Now, as I truly allow myself to dive into what 13 means.. I cry.  I feel like the next time I blink she'll be leaving for college.   She is truly growing into a beautiful young woman of God.  She has a heart bigger than Texas, and seems to have a calling in caring for others. 

Who is 13 year old Ashton?
She's an absolutely stunning young woman, with big beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that shines brighter than the stars. She's a cheerleader.  A national champion.  She's an amazing ballerina, and a beautiful dancer.  She's a big sister, to a little fireball that's trying her best to follow in her sissy's footsteps. She's a friend who loves her girlfriends beyond measure. She's a great granddaughter that will happily help her 85 year great grandmother eat dinner, paint her nails and wash her face.  And, she's my daughter.. a daughter to a mother who struggles not to guide every step, but watch her make her own decisions and learn from them.

here we go.

Happy Birthday Ashton Elizabeth, I thank God for you everyday. 

1 comment:

  1. I also tahnk God for her every day!
    She is growing intoan amazing young woman just like her Mother!

    Grandma K


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