
Feb 29, 2012

Meet Sloane! Oklahoma City | Edmond newborn photographer.

This sweet beautiful baby girl was a GEM!!
Meet Sloane and big sister Harper.
I wish you could see more of this nursery, whimsy gray and yellow and a killer chevron rug!

sloan 109 sloan 228 sloan 062 sloan 156

Feb 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's {Sneak Peek Hadley 4.5 mos}

Happy Valentine's Day Friends!  This month seems to be flying by, I hope its not the case for all of 2012!

Here's a young face that is no stranger to the Photojunky blog!  Ms Hadley G at 4.5 months!

Hadley 4 mo 067 Hadley 4 mo 147

Feb 11, 2012

She's 13.

Ashton Elizabeth v13.0
I've been trying hard not to think about 13.  I've been focusing on... her excitement.... to be a teenager.
Now, as I truly allow myself to dive into what 13 means.. I cry.  I feel like the next time I blink she'll be leaving for college.   She is truly growing into a beautiful young woman of God.  She has a heart bigger than Texas, and seems to have a calling in caring for others. 

Who is 13 year old Ashton?
She's an absolutely stunning young woman, with big beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and a smile that shines brighter than the stars. She's a cheerleader.  A national champion.  She's an amazing ballerina, and a beautiful dancer.  She's a big sister, to a little fireball that's trying her best to follow in her sissy's footsteps. She's a friend who loves her girlfriends beyond measure. She's a great granddaughter that will happily help her 85 year great grandmother eat dinner, paint her nails and wash her face.  And, she's my daughter.. a daughter to a mother who struggles not to guide every step, but watch her make her own decisions and learn from them.

here we go.

Happy Birthday Ashton Elizabeth, I thank God for you everyday. 

Feb 6, 2012

McKinnlie 4 mos, Oklahoma City Photographer

This Baby!  Oh MY GOODNESS! I could seriously eat her up! She's the sweetest thing on the planet!

Ok, so I have never been one that wanted to have photo sessions in my own home. I  get easily board of some of the outdoor locations I often use, but am thankful for changing scenery and weather.. I know I couldn't handle back drops and props (not to mentions going overboard into cleaning mode and kicking my family out before clients arrived).  I love going to clients homes and shooting on their turf, and its sometimes a challenge I greatly enjoy.. finding that perfect spot.
But not this time.  I discovered why some of my photog friends love to shoot on their turf  - either a real live studio in their home or a make shift studio.. as soon as McKinnlie left the house.. I looked at my husband with a little bit of shock and said "WOW, that was really easy".  Those of you that know my husband, know that he is BABY CRAZY.. and this sweet thing below hit the spot for him.. oh my word if I could have him on every photo session!  He was right there getting her attention as I was clicking away!
So, that was my AH-HA moment for the week.. not that it will change my passion for outdoor/on location location shoots.
Happy February friends!

McKinnlie 214 McKinnlie 231 McKinnlie 186 McKinnlie 199 McKinnlie 193 McKinnlie 009 McKinnlie 036 McKinnlie 077