
Nov 20, 2011


I'm sitting in my very own home on a Sunday night at 7:30, and something seems "off"?  I realize I am not surrounded by the same 11 girls that I have spent every Sunday night with for the last 9 weeks!

I had the privilege of leading 11 - 7th grade 12 and 13 year old young ladies (including my oldest daughter) as we went through Vicki Courtney's HIS GIRL bible study!  This course goes through several issues that young women face during these impressionable years. Our discussions were open, lively, and always more inquisitive that I could have imagined.  Let's just say these young ladies were NOT afraid to ask the tough questions and more often than expected, I was left a little red-faced and squirming in my seat! We discussed topics ranging from anti-conformity, to purity and boundaries, to self-worth. and prince charming  ... each time learning what God's plan is for us, and understanding that HE loves us and wants to protect us.

These young ladies are the 7th graders on our DCMS competitive cheer team.  I knew about half of them and their parents really well.  Over the 9 week period I grew to love them.. each of them.

I never in a million years expected the response on the last day that came from these big hearts.  The girls were appreciative, thanking me again and again.  My heart felt like it would explode as one young lady stood before the group and told me just what the last several weeks had meant to her and the rest of them.

I am confident that they left this study...... closer to God.

I am so thankful for EACH and EVERY one of these young ladies, along with their amazing parents!
I am thankful for every laugh we had and every tear shed!

bible bible 2 Group hug bible 3 his girl2

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