
Sep 7, 2011

Senior Photographer Oklahoma City | Edmond, The Photojunky!

I loved this senior session, I'm still going through editing and sorting through hundreds of images.
While on this shoot, I kept getting little glimpses of "moments" with this very proud mother, and the obvious close relationship she has with her daughter. 
I tried to put myself in Kaliegh's mom's shoes... as a mother, you are more than likely present for every single photo session your child has from that first newborn session and the first 12 months of life, to every precious year that follows, the birthdays, the first cake,  the balloons, the frilly dresses, the new hair cuts, braces on, braces finally off, and the grand finale seems to be the senior year.  At this point, you either want to hold on for dear life and never let go... or you are gladly helping them pack up and eager to get them started on their new adventure, knowing either way, after this year everything changes.

This happens in a blink.
Right now, I am holding on for dear life begging my girls not to grow up.

Flanagan Senior 230

Flanagan Senior 245

Flanagan Senior 200

Flanagan Senior 023

1 comment:

  1. Shannon...i don't know how you typed that out with out bawling!!! i'm tearing up just reading it! You do AMAZING work my friend!!!


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