
Sep 27, 2011

Sneak Peek! Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky

Such a beautiful family. and this has to be the sweetest big brother on the planet!

Bowles 2011 062 
Bowles 2011 099

Sep 25, 2011

Introducing... Hadley Gordon

If there ever was a Princess...

she is stunning.
Congratulations Aimee & Danny... she's going to rock your world!

Oklahoma City | Edmond Newborn photographer, The Photojunky.
Shannon Foster

Sep 21, 2011

Nice Wheels! Oklahoma City Photographer, The Photojunky

Hi Friends!  I am 1 session and 2 mini sessions away from closing the books for Fall session! (and by books, I mean my iPhone calendar)  I'm super excited to meet new clients this season and reunite with so many from last year!

Sep 18, 2011

This is what happy looks like.

In case you were ever wondering... take note friends!

Susan was such a breathe of fresh air today, constantly smiling, laughing and just enjoying the ride.. which seems to be the theme for her life these days, and I love it...
(she had a little fan club on this shoot as well)

susan 168

The Photojunky, photography by Shannon Foster

Sep 16, 2011

Oklahoma City Maternity Photographer, The Photojunky

gordon maternity 135

Waiting... Hadley should be here any minute!
Prayers for the Gordon's!

Sep 14, 2011

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky

FINALLY!  I've been wanting to post more from this session for what feels like forever! With school officially back in session (which brings dance, cheer, tumbling and and and) life is back in crazy, but very scheduled mode!

Beauty runs deep with this family!  
I've been shooting Boston Hollis since he was just a few days old!  I cannot get over what a big boy he is and so handsome!  I would ask him "Boston, will you walk over here and let me take a picture?" and in the sweetest most precious voice he would always reply "SURE".

hill 142 

Sep 12, 2011

Update on Fall 2011 Sessions! Oklahoma City | Edmond Photographer, The Photojunky

For those of you still out there lingering on sessions...
September: I had a client reschedule and have 1 opening

October: 1 spot left in mini sessions on the morning of Oct 15 and 1 Full session open

November: 2 Full sessions and if there is enough interest, I will set up another morning of mini session in early Nov.

Email me for details

I'm teaming up again this year with the very talented Kendra at KJane Designs!  Each of my clients that use KJane Designs for Holiday cards, will get 4 digital images sent to Kendra at no charge.  Check out her beautiful work on Facebook!

Aspen Senior 117

Sep 11, 2011

Love! Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

It was so great to meet this family for the first time!  I love this shot and how you can almost feel the love bouncing off them!Kern 106

Sep 7, 2011

Senior Photographer Oklahoma City | Edmond, The Photojunky!

I loved this senior session, I'm still going through editing and sorting through hundreds of images.
While on this shoot, I kept getting little glimpses of "moments" with this very proud mother, and the obvious close relationship she has with her daughter. 
I tried to put myself in Kaliegh's mom's shoes... as a mother, you are more than likely present for every single photo session your child has from that first newborn session and the first 12 months of life, to every precious year that follows, the birthdays, the first cake,  the balloons, the frilly dresses, the new hair cuts, braces on, braces finally off, and the grand finale seems to be the senior year.  At this point, you either want to hold on for dear life and never let go... or you are gladly helping them pack up and eager to get them started on their new adventure, knowing either way, after this year everything changes.

This happens in a blink.
Right now, I am holding on for dear life begging my girls not to grow up.

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Flanagan Senior 245

Flanagan Senior 200

Flanagan Senior 023

Sep 4, 2011

Senior 2012! Oklahoma City | Deer Creek Senior Photographer, The Photojunky

Stunning... these images are all amazing, here is just a tiny peek, more to come I promise!
Thank you Kaleigh for choosing Photojunky!

Flanagan Senior 177