
Aug 1, 2011

Post #2 Summer Session.

12 girls.
9 of them 7th grade cheerleaders and 3 little sisters. 
An abandoned field covered in cactus and stickers.
101 degree weather. 
45 minutes of day light left in the day (and I needed 2 hours).
2 amazing moms toting cactus and sticker hating little sisters on their backs along with moving and preparing props!
AND, I could just cry, these young ladies and their moms were AMAZING! Their outfits were perfection, their hair was to-die-for, and their spirits and attitudes showed nothing of the smoldering heat and sticker covered bodies... all to satisfy their photog friend who's had this idea floating around in her head for several weeks.

I'm about half way through editing, but had to post more pics after all the sweet messages and texts I've been getting from these ladies today!


  1. Great job !!!


  2. These are beautiful!

  3. i have to say again all the photos are amazing and i cant thank u enough!!!!!!!!!!!:)!!!!!!!!:)


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