
Aug 30, 2011

Senior Sneak Peek! Oklahoma City Senior Photographer, The Photojunky!

This young lady is stunning! These 2 below were in my first batch of editing, and I fell in love with the images!  Lots more to come!

Meet Aspen, Senior 2012!

Aspen Senior 016

Aspen Senior 048

Aug 28, 2011

Aug 27, 2011


This melts my heart.. just a little

kinlee lewis

Aug 24, 2011

Patiently Waiting! ~ Oklahoma City Maternity Photograher, The Photojunky

I love shooting maternity and newborns in my clients home, it seems so much more personal and really helps me get to know my clients that much better.  I walked around their home last week mentally taking note of the fun shots we'll get to take when the princess finally gets here!

To the parents to be... I cannot tell you the joy it brings me to walk into your home and see my images hanging on your beautiful walls.  It always surprises me, and NEVER gets old!!
I cannot wait to meet Hadley, looks like I'll get to see her quit a bit in the next few months :)

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gordon maternity 079

gordon maternity 123

Aug 23, 2011

Stricklin Family, Oklahoma city Photographer The Photojunky

Beautiful, beautiful family (its almost not fair!) I love their style... enjoy!

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Aug 21, 2011

A-DOR-ABLE!!! Sneak Peek Sunday!

Meet Miss Piper.  The cutest almost 2 year old in town!

striklin 009

striklin 045

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer, The Photojunky!

Contact me now to book your fall session!

Aug 17, 2011

Head Shots! Oklahoma City Photographer, The Photojunky

I cannot say enough good things about these wonderful ladies!  We love being a part of the Studio J Dance family, and I love how these ladies continue to teach and inspire so many!

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2011_8 222

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2011_8 194

2011_8 182

2011_8 210

Aug 15, 2011

10 days new, Oklahoma City newborn Photographer, The Photojunky!

My second newborn to photograph for this beautiful family of 6!!!

k lewis 2

k lewis

Aug 14, 2011

Sneak Peak for Studio J!

Once again, the lovely dance instructors of Studio J!  
I love these kind of shoots, would love to do them EVERYSINGLEDAY!

2011_8 090

Aug 10, 2011

Time to book your Fall session!

I cannot believe it's that time again!  I've been running around like a mad woman these last few days, preparing for the first day of school for my girls and a new year of challenges and adventures!  I've also been scheduling photo sessions into the next month... and hit me - this is my busiest season! 
August is booked and September is getting full.  I plan to book 3 separate mini sessions; 1 in October and 2 in November. Mini session are 20 minute sessions, $40 session fee.

As my girls schedules are getting more hectic I'm cutting back on the number of sessions I'm taking this fall.
For more details on mini sessions or to book your fall session email me
My full session fees are listed here .

Happy Fall semester!  Its starts tomorrow for the PhotoJunky family!

Aug 2, 2011

Lots of cuteness From Austin!

I had the pleasure of shooting some of the cutest kids on the planet while they were in OKC for a few days!!
 I was hopeful that their mommy would leave them here :(

Aug 1, 2011

Post #2 Summer Session.

12 girls.
9 of them 7th grade cheerleaders and 3 little sisters. 
An abandoned field covered in cactus and stickers.
101 degree weather. 
45 minutes of day light left in the day (and I needed 2 hours).
2 amazing moms toting cactus and sticker hating little sisters on their backs along with moving and preparing props!
AND, I could just cry, these young ladies and their moms were AMAZING! Their outfits were perfection, their hair was to-die-for, and their spirits and attitudes showed nothing of the smoldering heat and sticker covered bodies... all to satisfy their photog friend who's had this idea floating around in her head for several weeks.

I'm about half way through editing, but had to post more pics after all the sweet messages and texts I've been getting from these ladies today!