
May 1, 2011

Self indulgent Sunday. Oklahoma City Photographer, The PhotoJunky!

 Feels like I've been waiting ages for this shoot!  This family moved from OKC to KS a few month back, and mama planned this photo-shoot the minute she new they would be back in OKC.  After taking several hundred photos *ahem, not joking*, I handed mom, AKA KJane, AKA self proclaimed mom-ographer the camera and insisted she shoot me and Lucy! (im not that crazy, we are also good friends).  I love this baby, I MEAN LOVE HER!  I would have loved to take her home and kiss every inch of irresistible chub on her!  It is so clear to me, that not only is she a beautiful baby, but this child is going to be stunning, drop dead gorgeous!  That beautiful pale skin, brilliant red hair, and those yummy round brown eyes!!  I am excited to watch her grow!


  1. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    You both look beautiful. Love the photos the Mom took of the two of you. Enjoyed seeing them. You're a great photographer yourself!

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2011

    She a beautiful baby! You look good with her! Sure you don't need #3?

  3. beautiful pale skin, brilliant red hair, and round brown eyes...reminds me of your favorite cousin! ;)


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