
May 16, 2011

Monday Afternoon Excuses! Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky

I hate excuses... HATE THEM!  Yet.. here I sit ready to spill mine out and hope and pray for understanding that I may or may not deserve.  I desperately want and need to apologize to those of you that have been trying to email and call.  There are emails and messages that have been lingering in my in boxes for longer than I wish to divulge.  I've had to say no to some new clients and refer others away (ouch ouch).  For the last 3 months or so photography has had to take a major back seat, as my girls are getting older and more involved, my time has become non-existent.  I love this part of being a mother, I love watching my children grow and learn and achieve goals, and if only I could physically make myself stay up until 1AM and be up by 6AM, or be able to edit while driving from cheer practice to dance lessons... I could do it all... I am not that person. Without around 8 hours of sleep, I turn into what my youngest calls "grumpy pants", who is not very pretty, nice, or understanding.
As I sit and type, I have 3 more session waiting for editing and emails will be returned today *pinky promise* (along with piles of laundry, and floors that are begging to be cleaned).

Alas for one of my favorite families... The Carpenters!  Thank you for choosing me again!  I hope these were worth the wait!

One pair of these boots belong to my high school principle!!  I was THRILLED to see him after so many years, and got some really sweet shots of him and his grandchildren, they literally made my heart smile!!!

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