
Jan 11, 2011

Oklahoma City Photographer, The Photojunky

Published!  in Pure Magazine's OKC Premier Issue!
I'M SOO  proud of the Tearstained Dance Co!  They are preforming at the Pure Magazine Launch Party this week! These ladies are incredible!

We shot these photos early last fall, and it was one heck of an adventure, wading through 6 inches of water, pouring rain, bleeding feet, make-shift lighting, no air, and ladder climbing from HELL!  These ladies can look good in any situation.

Oklahoma City Dance Company Photographer, The Photojunky!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Photojunky!!

    Forget the cooking, you are an excellent photographer. And this just proves what all of us in blogland have known for a LONG time!!!!


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