
Jan 26, 2011

My personal 2010.

 I'm taking a personal journey through 2010 with my family pictures.  Keep in mind, most of these are random shots and nothing I would consider professional.. its just a little insight to the Photojunky Family.  I normally save this kind of thing for facebook, and spare you guys the details.. but this post is helping me look back at the positive side of 2010 (somethings I desperately need to be reminded of right now.) SO...Get ready for PICTURE OVERLOAD and seeing what makes me truly smile!!!

We had some major snow in Oklahoma last January! My little girly girls were more than excited to get out and get dirty...err wet?  I love the pic of Hubby and Ashton below, they had a daddy daughter date night at the Thunder game. And of course my beautiful niece was over for a super fun sleep over!

Ashton turned 11 last Feb, it was a pretty exciting month, we surprised her with a complete redecoration of her room, Paris theme, she was through the roof excited.  11 is supposed to be a tough year for girls... as we approach the end of her 11th year, I feel very blessed to say.. its been a breeze!

My girls let me make "home made" Valentine's cards for them.. home made in the Photoshop sense of the word.  
Our cousin Hayley opened Sister Chic and we did our first photo shoot with our girls modeling her goods!
MARCH 2010
Last March I took a road trip with 2 of my girl friends from High School to Austin for a Bachelorette Party.  I got to visit my aunt, cousin Brooke and new baby cousin, we literally shopped until there was no more room in the SUV for bags, and just had the best time running around Austin!  My girlfriends are my life line, trips like this mean the world to me.

and then there is this....  I shot the first ever Runhers Princess Run.
(how cute was my banner - WOO WHOO) 

APRIL 2010
April was a very proud month for me!  I watched my husband run his first half marathon and Ashton ran the marathon relay with my younger brother and his wife and daughter @ the OKC Memorial Marathon.  Watching them cross the finish line was a life time highlight!  We all watched our cousin Darby get married in a beautiful wedding ceremony and amazing reception.  The 4 of us walked/ran together in the OKC Heartwalk (in the rain) with a very special friend, Hope.


And of course, most importantly we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior!
best size

MAY 2010
This was a beautifully busy month! Ashton graduated from 5th grade.  The girls danced their hearts out in the Studio J dance recital.  We had our annual Foster Crawfish boil and our house and yard were filled with friends and family.  My parents had a fish fry (where I got to play with my new lens) and we fished and ate for hours!!  We also celebrated Mother's Day with my mom and grandmother...

JUNE 2010
With summer officially upon us, my girls broke it in instyle spending day after day at the pool with their Gaga love'n sitter, Aerial.
Jasmine, one of my oldest, closest friends was married in an 3 day Indian ceremony... a first for us to experience.. LOVE, I cannot even describe how incredible this weekend was.


Eva Kathleen turned 5 in June... she had been telling us for a year that she wanted a surprise birthday party... and that she received! Both of her great grandma's attended this party, and we are so thankful and blessed to have them be a part of that day for the last time together.

For now, I will stop at June.. July gets me a little emotional.
Until next time, I hope you enjoyed my 6 month review!

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