
Nov 17, 2010

Jane ~ January 7, 1930 - November 14, 2010

Its almost 5 AM on the day of the funeral and I cannot sleep. There is so much on mind and I cannot seem to hold in the tears.  If I could share with my friends something on my mind that I've learned over the last few months of experiencing 2 very special grandmothers become ill and now 1 pass on, its this.. Cherish EVERYSINGLEMINUTE with your loved ones, you never truly know which moment will be your last. I feel like I have been blind sided in both cases.
If I only knew that last time your wrapped your arms around me would be the last, I would have held on a lot longer.

I will miss your face, your fierce hugs and the way you always said "Dahlin Girl" every time you saw me! I will always be amazed by the way you raised 5! beautiful daughters and more grandchildren than I can wrap my mind around, I am so proud to be a part of this amazing family. I know you are smiling down on us from heaven... our hearts are in pieces, until we meet again.

 these are just some of the great grandchildren below.... 

 to my clients, life has truly got in the way of my photog work this week, and I am so sorry for the major delay in editing, things will get back to normal soon.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss! Sending prayers your way! Your grandmother was beautiful.

  2. Awwww Sweetie! I wish I could give you a big squishy hug.

    She was gorgeous.

    Peace friend.

  3. So sorry for your loss. Thanks for the reminder to cherish our loved ones - so important!

  4. What a beautiful lady she was! I'm sure both on the outside and inside. I am very sorry for your loss and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Thank you for your love!!!


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