
Nov 30, 2010


These 2 pair of baby blues... every photog's dream!!
I would like to claim (and may even try sometimes) that this child gets her good looks from her Aunt Shannon (ok, so I actually had a shirt made for her saying that)... but there is no doubting that she favors her beautiful mama!

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

Nov 29, 2010

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

Meet the Brewers!
I'm playing catch up again from shoots over the weekend, and while looking back realized I never even posted from this session.  We shot in Saratoga Farms in Edmond... SOOO AMAZING!

Nov 28, 2010

Christmas Cuties!

So happy to finally shoot this beautiful family!  I love them dearly!  The mom was stressing over pictures just like the rest of is do... and I love the way they turned out!

Nov 25, 2010

Schedule Your Photojunky Mini Sesion Dec 5th!

Sunday December 5th!  
PhotoJunky Mini sessions!
email me for details

Nov 23, 2010

Exploding with CUTENESS!

This little wonder stole my heart.
She actually gave me a hug when we finished (although part of me wonders if she was just relieved to be done.)
I still love her and could have shot her cute face all day long!

This last one was so sweet, she was explaining to me that "no, I cannot just give you my hair.. see"

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer, The Photojunky!

Nov 22, 2010


they help the world go round... I love this session with the grandparents!~

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

Nov 18, 2010

Oklahoma City Children's Photographer, The Photojunky

I feel as though I am drowning in unedited sessions, and laundry... if that were actually possible.  Maybe I could pay someone in photos to come do my laundry?  Any takers?

Some of my favs from the Bagley family! These children are sooo adorable!

Nov 17, 2010

Jane ~ January 7, 1930 - November 14, 2010

Its almost 5 AM on the day of the funeral and I cannot sleep. There is so much on mind and I cannot seem to hold in the tears.  If I could share with my friends something on my mind that I've learned over the last few months of experiencing 2 very special grandmothers become ill and now 1 pass on, its this.. Cherish EVERYSINGLEMINUTE with your loved ones, you never truly know which moment will be your last. I feel like I have been blind sided in both cases.
If I only knew that last time your wrapped your arms around me would be the last, I would have held on a lot longer.

I will miss your face, your fierce hugs and the way you always said "Dahlin Girl" every time you saw me! I will always be amazed by the way you raised 5! beautiful daughters and more grandchildren than I can wrap my mind around, I am so proud to be a part of this amazing family. I know you are smiling down on us from heaven... our hearts are in pieces, until we meet again.

 these are just some of the great grandchildren below.... 

 to my clients, life has truly got in the way of my photog work this week, and I am so sorry for the major delay in editing, things will get back to normal soon.

Nov 15, 2010

Fall! Oklahoma City Family Photographer The Photojunky

The leaves and the weather were perfect this weekend.  I absolutely adore this little man, he allowed his mama and I to reunite after.... ummm.... twenty something years (OUCH)!

Nov 11, 2010

It's been one of those days...

 It's been one of those days... weeks... really the last few months have been filled with serious illness and loss, today was hard.  I am blessed to have this pouty faced big eyed little girl and her family in my life.
Love you Miss Priss!

Nov 10, 2010

Sometimes.. plan B is the best plan!

OK, so there was no official plan B, but here's the story.  We had planned to shoot at UN-NAMED historic location in OKC.  We thought they closed at 1 time, when indeed, they actually closed at the time we showed up for our session, and the oh so NOT helpful and unpleasant woman that was working in the UN-NAMED historic location (who had the office doors locked 10 minutes before close and does not return phone calls - ahem), was not about to leave the gate open for 10 minutes... but I understand, when its time to go, its time to go.  I digress.
We were close to bricktown/midtown area, and racing the sun set.  We jumped in our cars, and they agreed (unbeknownst to them at this point what a horrible driver I am) to follow me.  So in my head I am driving to a specific location and my eye catches a building a NEED to shoot at, so with my blinker on right turn, I go straight through the light and park in a private parking lot (which I have never been in before), jump out and swear to the Dad that I am not crazy... we shoot for 10 minutes, hop back in our cars, I run over a cement curb (do not tell my husband), drive down alleys the wrong way... end up having at least 5 different AMAZING backgrounds, and have what I will call, 1 of my favorite sessions EVER!

Nov 9, 2010

Nov 8, 2010

Antler Pride!

This amazing mama has a football player and cheerleader both in middle school.  When she contacted me about a session she was very specific about wanting it to revolve around the kids activities... because that's how life is right now.  We went out to the Deer Creek Football field and got some cute shots on the beautiful new field, some in the baseball stands, and then headed for shade to get some more intimate stuff!   Both children are amazingly talented, beautiful, handsome, and just fun kids!

And just for fun!!

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky

There are so many favorites from this session, it was hard to narrow it to just a couple... so here's A LOT!
This park may be one of my new favorite places to shoot.
Thank you Carpenter's for choosing me again for your family session, I am in love with you guys, I mean that in the best way possible ;)  I went to school with Colby, although he is *ahem* a few years younger than me, I really didn't know him, except that he was my favorite principal/teacher's little boy. Meeting his beautiful wife and children has been pure photog JOY!!!

Nov 4, 2010

Hello Turtle!

I thoroughly enjoyed shooting in Tulsa today.  I have no idea why they have more Fall foliage than my city just to the west... but oh my, it was beautiful, I only wish I had more time to explore.
Here's a sneak peek for the Andresen clan, more to come from this group next week!
So what's all the excitement about???

Hello new friend.


Oklahoma City Family Photographer, Shannon Foster, The Photojunky.