
Oct 20, 2010

The one where I said "I will" and he said "I do"

9 years ago today, in front of so many friends and family, he said "I do" and in my confusion I said "I will"... it was a question, and at the time "I do" did not seem grammatically correct.  Forever caught on video.

Please know, that I DO!


Hubby and I are headed to New Orleans today for an adult get-a-way!!  (YES, I know its Fall break for the kids... but these adults need a break) This will be my first time in NOLA, I am so excited to see the history, taste the cuisine, partake in some adult beverages, and just RELAX!!!!  We are leaving reality in Oklahoma City...
Facebook and Twitter friends... we'll be updating!
see ya soon!


Junky Remarks go here!