
Sep 14, 2010

Behind the Scenes, Photojunky and Tearstained

UP to this point, no one has taken photos of me photographing... I actually had no idea any one got all these shots until one of the dancers, Ashley,  posted them on facebook, I was almost as excited to see them as my clients are to see their portraits!  It was a fun surprise!
I know the girls will be disappointed that this is not a sneak peek, but I promise one is coming VERY SOON!

To lay out the Tearstained photo session scene, we must start with the weather!  Sunday morning I woke up to some serious cloud cover, which always excites me for outdoor sessions, I headed up to a family shoot at 9AM, as soon as I wrapped that session around 10AM the rain started to pour... I MEAN POUR.  I was due downtown at an empty 3 story office building I had gained access to by 10:45, I could barely see through my windshield the rain was coming down so hard.  My first concern was the lighting in the building, I assumed I only had the window light because it was under construction, my second concern was the 10 dancers getting in the building without totally messing up their hair and makeup.
I walked in the building and almost had a heart attack, it was DARK and very HUMID.  I ran up the stairs to check out floors 2 & 3, and it was still way too dark.  I noticed a small cage light on the 2nd floor, and saw and extension cord, I grabbed the extension cord and found a makeshift outlet the construction company must have built, saying prayers, I plugged it in and WHA-LA!  The entire room lit up like Christmas, I seriously almost cried I was so happy and the lighting was beautiful.  I also found a few fans and drug them over to where we were shooting.  The dancers made it in with luggage and accessories in tow, thank God for huge umbrellas and towels!
The entire shoot took about 3 hours, I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun it was.  The rain finally let up, and we got some amazing jump shots outside.

This is only 1/2 of the wardrobe selection below, these ladies were well prepared.
Hilary, in black and to the left below is the creator of Tearstained, she choreographed each scene while I clicked away.. her creativity blows me away!

The picture below cracks me up, I was absent mindedly handing Hilary one of my lens without even asking.. I could have used an assistant on this project.

The pictures here are all courtesy of Ashley, (below on the right and thats me, the scary one in the hat)!  Thanks Ashley!  I was scared to death to point my camera towards the dressing "area" at any given time there were a few half naked women... I am sure it was just like costume change during a show for them... I kept watching the door, fearing somone unknown worker or *gasp* even the building owner drop by!

Thanks so much to Hilary for asking me to be a part of this!

For booking info, email me


  1. i made the blog! i feel famous :)

    thanks again for everything.. you said you enjoyed it but we may have given you a run for your money.;) it was the best afternoon of dress up and good friends! can't wait to see how it all turns out! you're wonderful!!

  2. This looks like it was so much fun! You need a studio in that building! ::)


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