
Apr 5, 2010

~ Happy Easter Photos Oklahoma City Photographer The Photojunky ~

I can always count on Miss Priss to have  the cutest "one of a kind" outfits for her photo sessions!  I love this child!  I've been taking her pictures since before she could even walk and I love watching her grow.  Since she's been walking and now running, the shoots get more interesting... I was literally chasing her around Sara Sara Cupcakes in Midtown OKC!  Thank God her daddy was there to help... and speaking of daddy.. OH how she loves that man, I caught a cute moment below.  Notice the window shot in the upper right.. she is looking for the Easter Bunny! (who I may or may not have told her was out that window hopping around).

sized molly

Thanks for another beautiful shoot Miss Priss! 
The Photojunky loves you!


  1. Oh My WORD! That picture of Miss Priss and Daddy is beautiful. One of my favorite Daddy pictures EVER! Love the location...great job again Shan!

  2. Beautiful, absolutley beautiful! These pictures melted my heart! Thank you for capturing Miss Priss so perfectly! (you even managed to get her sweet side, hehe!)


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