
Apr 26, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The Photojunky ~

Some of my favorites from Miss Brooklyn's 5 year old photo shoot!

resized BD
 To see more from this fun set head over to under children.
For appointments email me we are already booking into June!

Apr 23, 2010

~ The Photojunky Client Sneak Peek ~

I like to think of all my session as laid back and fun... I try to be silly with the shy ones, and let their personality just take over.  Miss Brooklyn was being soooo good through the entire session, near the end I said "ok girl, let's get crazy, show me what you got!"

Her in inner Drama Queen was UNLEASED!!  I adore this shot!

And, to Brooklyn's mama, your going to love the rest!  I hope to have them up on in less than 24 hours!

Apr 20, 2010

~ 5 Year Old Jaxson The Photojunky mini session ~

Oh my sweet Jaxson Drew!  I was there the day this child was born and I plan to be there the day he gets married... now WHO to, is the big question!  Jaxson is best buds with my youngest daughter (as I am with his mommy)... they are truly partners in crime!  The last couple times we have been together we've caught them saying "I love you", "I need a hug"... and this last time, Jaxson asked my 4, almost 5 year old on a date! That sat down at a table together and the sly guy grabbed a flower of the table vase and handed it to her!  All 4 of us as parents laughed so hard, but I think in the back of all our minds... we know what could be coming (15 years down the road according to daddy).  How could anyone not fall in love with those beautiful eyes and that gorgeous brown curly hair!  SOMEDAY he will sit still enough for a full fledge photo session!

jaxson drew

Sometimes, you just dont need a full blown photo session to capture those milestone photos. In this case. we got rained out, and decided to make the best of our location.  If you are interested in a mini session - 30 minutes and 1/2 the cost of my normal sitting fee, email me

Apr 18, 2010

~ Off Site, custom, personal Prom Photographs, Oklahoma City The Photojunky ~

I've been talking  to the mom of one of these beautiful girls for a few weeks now... who so creatively sent these 4 kids on a scavenger hunt before prom!  I was stationed at one of the stops along the way, Sara Sara Cupcakes in Oklahoma City!  The girls looked gorgeous!  Even in the rain, they didnt let it dampin their spirits!  We originally planed the shoot at some railroad tracks, but in no way did I want these girls to mess hair and makeup they'd worked on all day.  Sara Sara was the perfect indoor location... and after a little begging to the store clerk and purchasing some cupcakes (yummy props).. they let me shoot!

I had a great time in the rain with them, I hope prom was a blast!
to view more head on over to

Apr 15, 2010

~ The Photojunky shoots Buildings ~

I honestly dont know in the last couple years if I've photographed more buildings or people?  Its probably pretty even.  For me, there is not much more exciting than climbing on top of a building to photograph another. Its a heart racing thrill!  AND with Oklahoma winds, its not always safe!  Here's a look at more of what I'll be doing today...  Downtown Tulsa!  I love this shot, I love the sky and the clouds, I felt like they cooperated perfectly just for me (crazy much)... I even told the buildings good job as I was leaving, no hugs took place...
I have a large data base (owned by Grubb & Ellis) of OKC and Tulsa buildings, contact me for viewing

Apr 12, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The Photojunky ~

Meet the W's!  Seriously some of the most beautiful kids on the planet!  These children melt my heart every time I see them!  This is, without a doubt, a very "mini" session. The whole shoot took less than 20 minutes! The littlest W was in no mood to sit still on such a pretty day!  Let there be NO doubt, there is a lot of love between these 3!  AND look at those eyes... I dont know how his parents deal with that much cuteness on a daily basis!!


Apr 8, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Children's Photographer The PhotoJunky ~

First of all.. I hate to be such a tease... but I am!  This child's mama is going to kill me because I have yet to upload any of this session.. but I could not resist! Look at her!  AND THOSE COLORS  =  LOVE!
 Here I sit with droopy eyes, my comfy bed is literally yelling for me to take rest in it... but I am desperate to post this pic so mama will know what's coming!  I am half way done KJ!!  You'll have them soon!

POP POP POP goes the color!  Love it..

Apr 5, 2010

~ Happy Easter Photos Oklahoma City Photographer The Photojunky ~

I can always count on Miss Priss to have  the cutest "one of a kind" outfits for her photo sessions!  I love this child!  I've been taking her pictures since before she could even walk and I love watching her grow.  Since she's been walking and now running, the shoots get more interesting... I was literally chasing her around Sara Sara Cupcakes in Midtown OKC!  Thank God her daddy was there to help... and speaking of daddy.. OH how she loves that man, I caught a cute moment below.  Notice the window shot in the upper right.. she is looking for the Easter Bunny! (who I may or may not have told her was out that window hopping around).

sized molly

Thanks for another beautiful shoot Miss Priss! 
The Photojunky loves you!

Apr 1, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Family Photographer The Photojunky ~

These handsome guys mom has been talking to me for about a year now about taking their pics!  We finally set a date and made it happen!  I never know what to expect with boys and photo shoots, in general they all hate being in front of the camera.  We played around in downtown Oklahoma City in some of my favorite spots, and I got some great smiles of these brothers!  The both have the most beautiful blue eyes, more justice to those were done in their individual shots located here.


Thanks guys!  I really did have a good time, I appreciate you being good sports!