
Mar 11, 2010

~ Oklahoma City Senior Photographer The Photojunky ~

Meet Aleea!  I've known this young lady for over 8 years and have watched her grow into an amazingly beautiful young woman!  I was more than excited when I found out SHE wanted me to take her senior pictures.  Aleea has a face that photographers dream of.. every shot is flawless, perfect skin, big light catching eyes, and a million dollar smile!
We had a great time running through Bricktown Oklahoma City taking these shots.. we were absolutely being chased by the rain.. dont get me wrong cloud cover on photo shoots makes my heart smile... drizzle mixed with cold does not,  and this young lady was a trooper!  She even laid down in the wet grass... IT WAS WORTH IT!
Aleea senior

Thanks for chosing the PhotoJunky Aleea!


  1. Hey!!! Been awhile!!!! Love the new blog!

  2. She is beautiful!



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