
Jun 29, 2010


Pardon the interruption of our photog post...
But the Photojunky is currently in Forks, Washington in her mind.

Going to the Eclipse Premiere tonight with friends... I am as excited as a 15 year old girl!
Yes, I am a 30 something married mother of 2.

and.... I cannot contain myself!


Jun 27, 2010

Jun 23, 2010

Oh Brother!

I may be a little biased, but these boys really have it all.  Not only are they incredibly handsome, but both have amazing athletic ability, and are insanely intelligent, top of their class students.  I only hope they stay away from the girls... but I won't hold my breath.

Jun 22, 2010

On Top of Buildings we go!

SO... this me, climbing up a very un-sturdy ladder, to reach the roof of a building in Bricktown, Oklahoma City.

And this handsome fella, is my brother/coworker/ person I take on top of ALMOST every building roof I shoot from.  Its windy in Oklahoma, and sometimes... I get a little freaked out so close to the edge.. it's also very thrilling!

And this is an example of what I come up with!

Jun 17, 2010

Sneak Peek!


Oklahoma City Child Photographer, The Photojunky!

Jun 16, 2010

Boston Hollis.. from the start

Is that the coolest name ever or what? 
 2 years went by, since I shot this of Boston.

Boston at 6 months...

When Boston's mommy contacted me about shooting is 2 year photos, I was more than excited.  He honestly is just as sweet as he cute... and what a great location!

Oklahoma City Childrens photographer, The Photojunky!

Jun 15, 2010

Fletcher, 5 Day Old

Soak in the sweetness!

If you ever want to put your newborn in bookshelf, or on a mantel... contact me!

Oklahoma City Newborn Photographer, The Photojunky!

Jun 13, 2010

The Wedding Ceremony

This was one of the most beautiful weddings I have had the pleasure to attend.  Without any doubt, the ceremony and all the events leading up to marriage and reception was a CELEBRATION!
 Below, the mini Photojunky, showing off some new art!

I was so completely choked up during the arrival/presentation of the groom.  IT WAS AMAZING.  Words cannot do it just.. but I'll say this is the Groom on the horse surrounded by HIS family and friends, going to meet the brides family... I'll stop there and just say, BEAUTIFUL!

The groom!

Congratulations Jasmine and Justin.. love you both!

Jun 10, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday

I just started editing this session, and EVERY SINGLE PICTURE makes me smile!  This little guy is just as sweet as he is cute.  It was such a fun session and I cannot wait to share more!

Oklahoma City Child photographer, The Photojunky!

Jun 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Angel!

June 9th 2005, my life changed forever when God gave me this precious gift I call Eva Kathleen.  She is also referred to as the Diva, and it fits.
At 5 years old, she would much rather be behind the camera than infront of it.
She loves to play match, and can beat everyone in the house.
She loves jewelry, and make up.
She loves to run fast and ride bikes and just be OUTSIDE.
She is a fireball, she says whatever is on her mind, no censors.
She is more witty than a 5 year old should be!
She loves sarcasm and ice cream!

I had to play chase with her to get some good pictures... this last one is so Eva!

Happy 5th Birthday Diva!!

Jun 7, 2010

Baby on a Mantel

Thanks Addison for letting me put sweet fletcher on your mantel...

Jun 6, 2010

Oh the Colors!

A very good friend of mine was married this weekend in a traditional Indian ceremony.  I was asked to be a second shooter to Friday nights event, I was so honored to have the opportunity to shoot something like this.  The photographer they hired for the entire weekend is somewhat of a celebrity in the photography world.... and now my friend *squeal*... but more about that later!  Check out the colors!

Jun 3, 2010

Dear God...

.. trust me. I am not the person to tell you how to do your job, but, remember when you were handing out physical features before we were all born?  WELL... I think you went a little over board with this family, just say'n... the eyes, the lips, the skin!  Was I in the wrong line?
This family is BEAUTIFUL!!

fogle resized

to see more of this shoot, go to and click on family.

Oklahoma City Family Photographer, The Photojunky!

Jun 2, 2010

The Photojunky Photo of the Day!

Future Super Model!

I finally got to start editing this session from early this week and one of the first photos just blew me away.  She is stunning, and sooo much fun!  Just wait until you see the rest of her beautiful family!

Oklahoma City child photographer, The Photojunky!

Jun 1, 2010


Oklahoma City Photographer, The Photojunky!

wildcats resized
I find it hard to believe that I am still editing photos from this shoot, I did take a few hundred.  I fell in love with some of the action shots I got, I hope the boys/men like them too.
The coach got more than enough comments and as soon as the photos are loaded, he gets his 5 digital images!  Thanks for the comments sports fans!
Hope to finish these Wed night... I am way way behind!